Kathleen De Pellegrin, CPA, CA

Kathleen’s career journey is proof positive that the skills and expertise of a CPA can create leadership opportunities in any sector.
Beginning her career at a medium-sized firm, it was Kathleen’s unwavering commitment to fostering positive—and lasting—social transformation that drove her to pursue a career in the non-profit health care sector.
Within the short span of three years, Kathleen has moved from an analysis role at Headwaters Health Care Centre in Orangeville to her current position as Vice President, Corporate Services & CFO at Collingwood General and Marine Hospital. Her rapid growth in the role reflects her skills, commitment to leadership, and a passion for making a difference.
Kathleen finds her professional purpose in building a stronger health care sector in Canada. Her success reflects an unwavering dedication to helping purpose-driven organizations reach their goals and make a positive impact in their communities.