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Hamilton CPA Ontario Association

President's Message

Welcome to the Hamilton CPA Ontario Association! Our Association is led by 5 CPA volunteers across all legacy designations, industries, and experience levels. With more than 3,000 CPAs in the area & growing, our purpose is to provide ongoing networking and professional development for our members who support large to small businesses, institutions, and individuals. Further, we have a long-standing tradition in providing support to graduate accounting students from local colleges and universities through volunteering for case competitions, mock interview nights and CPA Nights.

While the Hamilton Association area officially covers Hamilton, Brantford, Haldimand and Norfolk County, we also draw from the Halton and Niagara regions as both committee members and event attendees.

Our events are being held virtually since Covid. This is an easy and exciting way to obtain your CPD hours and meet new people, as well as an opportunity to learn, network and participate in Q&A.

I look forward to your participation in the Hamilton CPA Ontario Association. Should you have any ideas for programs and topics or any other comments or suggestions, please feel free to contact me, so that it can be considered for future discussion and event planning.

We look forward to seeing you at future social and CPD events. Please send a request to join our LinkedIn Group page where you can see all upcoming events, CPA news & content and call outs for CPA volunteer Board members from local charities and NGO’s.

Yours sincerely,
Jennifer Mazzarolo, CPA, CA
President, Hamilton CPA Ontario Association

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