Review the PEP program and formats
CPA Professional Education Program
The CPA Professional Education Program (CPA PEP) is the graduate-level program that makes up the educational portion of the CPA certification program. CPA PEP consists of a series of modules culminating in the three-day Common Final Examination (CFE).
Learn more about CPA PEP
Visit the following links below to learn more about CPA PEP, including modules, schedules, fees, workshops, examinations and key policies.
Know all PEP fees and enrolment policies
Know all PEP fees and enrolment policies
Read the workshop policies
Read the workshop policies
Understand the examination policies
Understand the examination policies
Accredited Programs for CPA PEP
CPA Accredited Programs are delivered by post-secondary institutions (PSIs) that are approved by CPA Ontario to deliver all or part of CPA PEP (excluding the Common Final Examination (CFE)).
If you would like to read more about taking your PEP courses at a PSI, review our CPA Accredited Programs page for more information.PEP Guides and Resources
This video provides an overview of the PEP program and reviews the series of modules.
PEP Resources
- The Certification Resource Centre for the CPA PEP (CRC) offers valuable resources for CPA PEP students. The Centre provides guidance on the structure and administration of CPA PEP modules as well as regulations:
- The CPA Professional Education Program Candidate Guide offers comprehensive information on the CPA PEP program, including an overview of the course modules, student responsibilities and computer requirements.
- The CPA Harmonized Education Policies Vol.1 outlines the profession’s expectations regarding the implementation of policies for admission, administration, CPA PEP modules, module examination and the CFE and academic integrity and professional conduct.
- Use the Competency Map to understand the competencies you need to demonstrate by competency area, module and proficiency level
Evaluation Resources
- The CRC: Resources for CPA evaluation provides students with valuable resources for writing the CPA PEP examinations and the CFE:
- The Core Module Examination Blueprint and the Elective Module Examination Blueprints provide students with information on what to expect from their examination.
- The Core Module Examination Reference Schedule and the Elective Module Examination Reference Schedule outline what information students will have access to while writing the CPA PEP examinations.
- The Technical Update outlines what material is examinable on the CPA PEP examinations and the CFE for the calendar year.
- Practice cases are provided to help prepare for the module examination.
- The CPA Examination Regulations note what is expected of students writing CPA examinations.
- Find information on the Capstone modules, including prior Capstone 1 cases with a sample report and appendices, schedule of the Day 1 cases offered on the upcoming CFEs and the Capstone 2 calendar.
Academic integrity and professional conduct
Once you are enrolled in CPA programs and courses, you are expected to adhere to the profession’s standards. You will be subject to CPA Ontario’s policies on academic integrity and professional conduct and misconduct may result in disciplinary action.
- Academic misconduct includes (but is not limited to) plagiarism, the enabling of plagiarism and inappropriate use of a current or former student or candidate’s work. See Regulation 9-1, Appendix A.
- Please note that the definition of plagiarism to include the use of materials posted to study resource websites or platforms such as Course Hero, Chegg, Oneclass, Quizlet, WhatsApp groups, Kijiji, etc. Any instance of use of these types of materials will be flagged by our plagiarism detection software and subject to investigation. The provision of materials (posting of content) to these websites or platforms before, during or after your enrolment in the program/module is also considered plagiarism and will be investigated accordingly.
- Professional conduct includes (but is not limited to) adhering to CPA Ontario’s Student Code of Conduct, behaving ethically, demonstrating integrity and honesty and exhibiting respect to others including all written and oral communication with students, candidates, facilitators, session leaders, educational staff and provincial staff.
Review the CPA Harmonized Education Policies Vol. 1 and the CPA Professional Education Program Candidate Guide for more information.