Sustainability Strategic Advisory Committee

The Sustainability Strategic Advisory Committee (the “Committee”) was established to provide input to CPA Ontario on sustainability emerging issues, thought leadership, sustainability related standards, how to support CPAs on sustainability matters and input on the direction and format of professional development resources.

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  • Provide a forum for identifying and addressing current and emerging needs of CPA members and CPA students working in public practice and industry relating to sustainability matters.
  • Support and contribute to CPA Ontario thought leadership and opinion pieces.
  • Advocate for the interests of CPA members and CPA students in sustainability matters to uphold the profession’s relevance in the sustainability domain to protect the public interest.
  • Monitor sustainability standard setting and regulatory activity, evaluate their impact on the profession and provide feedback to CPA Ontario for its response to proposed new or revisions to standards and regulations on behalf of CPA members.
  • Monitor, discuss and evaluate potential use and impacts of emerging technologies (e.g. Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain) in the context of sustainability matters.
  • Encourage active participation of all members in shaping the future of the profession relating to sustainability matters.
  • Advise on sustainability education resources for CPA members and CPA students to build CPA competence to ensure continued relevance of the profession.
  • Provide a forum for CPA members and CPA students to network on sustainability matters and share knowledge and experience on sustainability matters.

Sustainability Strategic Advisory Committee Meeting Summary